Thursday, May 21, 2009

Then, they came for the pies...

Your government at work, cracking down on home-baked pies...

An Agriculture Department inspector fired the first salvo in the baked goods battle during Lent after spotting home-baked pies in St. Cecilia Catholic Church in Rochester. The church was told it's against the law to sell pies, cookies and cakes baked at home.


"Food prepared in a private home can only be used if that facility is licensed/registered and inspected by the department," state regulations say.

They justify this in the name of public health, claiming home-cooked food is responsible for 1/3 of food-borne illnesses. (Sigh) Basically, your government believes that you are too stupid to cook your own food, and too stupid to assess your own risk of illness from eating a home-cooked pie you buy from a church bake sale.

Instead, we supposedly need cadres of well-compensated bureaucrats to protect us from getting tummyaches, and whose pensions and benefits will drive states to fiscal collapse. I'm not saying there's not a valid benefit to having government agencies involved in public health, but the benefit to banning home-cooked pies seems marginal at best, and doesn't justify the expenditure or the intrusion into private liberty.


innominatus said...

Hmmm. 1/3 of illnesses come from home-cooked food. So 2/3 of illnesses come from outside-the-home sources which are REGULARLY INSPECTED BY STUPID BUREAUCRATS.

Based on the math, I'll take my chances with the pie the little old lady down the street baked in her own oven.

Atomic Lib Smasher said...

Hey, I like pie! Cherry, pumpkin, apple,... especially with a scoop of ice cream on top.

Gee, come to think of it, this bit oughta turn Michael Moore into a huge right winger! (the huge part would be spot on)