Sunday, April 26, 2009

Obamacare Is Bad Medicine

For the leftist lemmings that think Obamacare is the road to the future, I stumbled upon this piece while blogsurfing. It comes from a Malaysian blog, Vivalive talking about a recent emergency room trip for his father who may have been suffering under an abnormal cardiac condition:

After spending the first 20 minutes for the preparation of admission and documentation, including BP (Blood Pressure) test and ECG (Electrocardiogram), he waited for more than 2 hours for a doctor's turn to see him.

10 minutes later, he was asked to take his blood test and he waited for another 2.5 hours for the blood test result before his turn to see the doctor again.

My friend's dad asked the doctor on duty why the patients have to go through all these unnecessary waiting time. The doctor replied, there were only 2 doctors on duty and they have to sacrifice dinner time to cope with the number of patients.

When asked further, she said they have spoken many times to the management and appealed for more staff ( doctors & nurses etc) to be on duty but were ignored.The doctor even encouraged him to do a research and make a comparison with other hospital what will be the waiting from admission until you are able to see a doctor.

Surely this is what we will come to see if Obama gets his way with rationing healthcare in America and more. Taxes will go up, government will grow and become more intrusive, medicine and therapy will not be as proficient, and the healthcare profession will not be as lucrative or as rewarding to work in. In the end, the ones who will suffer the most are the very people seeking treatment.

This is very important. This is the health of all Americans Obama and his administration is toying with. And if you like that idea, you'll find out how expensive it is when healthcare is "free".

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